Diversify Tech - Early Talent
Diversify Tech for Early-talent

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What People Are Saying

β€œThe Diversify Tech newsletter has definitely changed the trajectory of my life.

All the connections I’ve made and people I’ve met! Thank you!!! πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎβ€

Alwina OyewoleturnerSoftware Engineer at Thoughtworks

β€œIt was a super helpful resource. I got some of my best leads from people who contacted me after seeing my profile in the talent directory.”

KeziyahSoftware Engineer at Goalbook

β€œI check the Diversify Tech page ON THE DAILY. It’s honestly my favorite place to find tech career building opportunities.”

Julie GauthierSenior Curriculum Engineer at MongoDB