Student Edition Issue #126

Connecting underrepresented students in tech with career opportunities

Welcome to Diversify Tech's Early Talent Edition! This newsletter is for underrepresented students in tech. Every Sunday, we share jobs, events, and other career opportunities. If you don't want to get these emails, please unsubscribe using the link at the bottom.


Jobs found around the web

These companies have not been vetted. Please make sure to do your own research!


Dr. Joy Buolamwini is a computer scientist and founder of the Algorithmic Justice League. Her MIT thesis methodology exposed racial and gender bias in AI services offered by major tech companies. This led to them halting the sale of facial recognition technology to law enforcement in 2020.

Dr. Buolamwini advises officials and is part of the Global Tech Panel addressing AI's negative impacts. Her journey is documented in the film Coded Bias, which highlights the risks to civil rights and democracy.

She is the first Black researcher on Fast Company's 2020 "Most Creative People" cover. With degrees from Oxford University and MIT, she has an impressive academic background. She is currently writing a book called UNMASKING AI.



📝 Gain the practical skills to nail your next technical interview with Girls Who Code’s free technical interview prep program

🤖 Computational Power and AI by Jai Vipra & Sarah Myers West

📺 How I use video resumes to hack the job search process by Rhona Pierce, Personal Branding Coach

📝 Job descriptions: How to read them like a pro by Morgan Latimer Consulting

🎨 AI Art and its Impact on Artists; Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society